The Pro Agility drill is designed to train athletes to make rapid changes in direction. This drill is pre-configured, and you will need 1 SmartSpeed timing gate.
Commonly referred to as a 5-10-5, you can set you distances to suit your needs. The athlete will begin in the beam in the middle and finish at the start.
Minimum number of timing gates: 1
Suitable for SmartSpeed Dash and SmartSpeed Pro
To setup in SmartSpeed app:
- Log in to SmartSpeed app
- Select Start Session
- Select Drill: Pro Agility
- Select My Drill: Standard (unless using a custom drill created in SmartSpeed Online)
- Select your Team
- Select Mode: Automatic (unless using SmartScan RFID reader)
- Confirm Re-arm: 500 ms. The time is takes for gates to reset for the next athlete - adjust as required
- Name session as required for your reporting
- Select Ready
- Set the timing gate order. Walk through the timing gates in the order the athlete will pass through.
- Select ECP: On
- Select Start Type: In Beam
- Select your Tag Result preference. If you select On, you then select the amount of time to tag a result valid or invalid.
- Select the Tick Icon
- When you are ready to begin the drill, have the first athlete stand in the beam. Wait until you hear a solid beep from the timing units before performing the test.
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