Experience a new level of insight in your testing sessions with ForceDecks Vision, our video capture and analysis tool available for iPad users of the ForceDecks iOS app.
ForceDecks Vision synchronises force trace data with the visual movement of each test as you assess your clients' abilities and track their progress over time.
All video footage is securely uploaded with the test data directly into VALD Hub, allowing you to revisit and analyse footage of each rep at your convenience.
Why should I use ForceDecks Vision?
In combination with the force trace and result metrics displayed in your ForceDecks software, ForceDecks Vision can assist you and your clients in gaining a comprehensive understanding of each phase and moment during an assessment.
Instantly jump to crucial points within each movement with videos that are automatically time synced to highlight key phases such as eccentric and concentric phases, or peak take-off and landing force.
How do I start using ForceDecks Vision?
ForceDecks Vision can be enabled in the settings of your ForceDecks iOS app and toggled on or off at the beginning of each individual assessment.
See our guide on using ForceDecks Vision to take advantage of this feature and revolutionise the way you analyse and enhance your clients' performance.
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