When setting up a session with ForceDecks, you can choose to "Auto Detect" different test types in the ForceDecks software application. This allows you to perform multiple test types in the one assessment.
This guide outlines which tests can be auto-detected and analysed using this feature. Click on a test name to view protocol instructions for that test type.
Note: If using Auto Detect, you can still perform any Jump or Isometric tests that are not automatically detected. These test types are marked below with an asterisk *. Before uploading, you can edit the test type of these reps to reflect the actual test that was performed.
Jump Tests | Auto-Detected | Auto-Analysed | |
Abalakov Jump | ABCMJ | * | Yes |
Countermovement Jump | CMJ | Yes | Yes |
Countermovement Jump - Loaded | LCMJ | Yes | Yes |
Countermovement Rebound Jump | CMRJ | Yes | Yes |
Drop Jump | DJ | Yes | Yes |
Single Leg Hop and Return | SLHAR | Yes | Yes |
Hop Test | HJ | Yes | Yes |
Single Leg Countermovement Rebound Jump | SLCMRJ | Yes | Yes |
Single Leg Drop Jump | SLDJ | Yes | Yes |
Single Leg Hop Test | SLHJ | Yes | Yes |
Single Leg Jump | SLJ | Yes | Yes |
Squat Jump | SJ | Yes | Yes |
Squat Jump - Loaded | LSJ | Yes | Yes |
Isometric Tests | Auto-Detected | Auto-Analysed | |
Isometric Belt Squat | IBSQT | * | Yes |
Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull | IMTP | * | Yes |
Isometric Push Up | ISOPU | * | Yes |
Isometric Squat Hold | ISOSQT | * | Yes |
Isometric Test | ISOT | Yes | Yes |
Run-Specific Ankle Iso-Push | RSAIP | * | Yes |
Run-Specific Hip Iso-Push | RSHIP | * | Yes |
Run-Specific Knee Iso-Push | RSKIP | * | Yes |
Seated Isometric Calf Raise | SEICR | * | Yes |
Shoulder ISO-I | SHLDISOI | * | Yes |
Shoulder ISO-T | SHLDISOT | * | Yes |
Shoulder ISO-Y | SHLDISOY | * | Yes |
Single Leg Hamstring 30/30 Isometric | SLHTTI | * | Yes |
Single Leg Hamstring 60/60 Isometric | SLHSSI | * | Yes |
Single Leg Hamstring 90/20 Isometric | SLHNTI | * | Yes |
Single Leg Hamstring 90/90 Isometric | SLHNNI | * | Yes |
Single Leg Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull | SLIMTP | * | Yes |
Single Leg Isometric Squat Hold | SLISOSQT | * | Yes |
Single Leg Seated Isometric Calf Raise | SLSEICR | * | Yes |
Single Leg Standing Isometric Calf Raise | SLSTICR | * | Yes |
Single Limb Isometric Test | SLISOT | Yes | Yes |
Standing Isometric Calf Raise | STICR | * | Yes |
Balance Tests | Auto-Detected | Auto-Analysed | |
Quiet Stand | QSB | No | Yes |
Single Leg Range of Stability | SLROSB | No | Yes |
Single Leg Stand | SLSB | No | Yes |
Functional Tests | Auto-Detected | Auto-Analysed | |
Land and Hold | LAH | Yes | Yes |
Push Up Test | PUSHUPT | No | Yes |
Plyometric Push Up | PPU | No | Yes |
Single Leg Land and Hold | SLLAH | Yes | Yes |
Single Leg Squat | SLSQT | No | Yes |
Sit to Stand to Sit | STSTS | No | Yes |
Squat Assessment | SQT | No | Yes |
Other Tests | Auto-Detected | Auto-Analysed | |
General Force-Time Analysis | GFTA | No | Must select trial ranges |
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