To refine your search for exercises in Program Builder, we recommend using filters to narrow down results.
Click the button in the top-right and you will see the following filters.
You can select more than one filter at a time to further refine your search.
This broad filter will group exercises based on specialty, such as musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiothoracic, hand therapy, yoga, Pilates, or women's and men's health.
This filter narrows down the region of the body where the primary movement of the exercise is occurring, such as shoulder, hip, or knee.
Muscle Group
This filter is useful when wanting to narrow down the search to target specific muscle groups, such as biceps, glutes, or hamstrings.
This filter contains a list of physiological movements to select from such as dorsiflexion, circumduction, abduction, etc.
Combine this with joint/area or muscle group filters for a more specific search and to browse the extensive offering targeting each movement pattern.
Use this filter to search for exercises using specific pieces of equipment, such as balls, cables, foam blocks, mats, towels, trigger balls, etc.
Choose from the list fo positions such as four point kneeling, single leg stance, or prone, etc.
This filter contains movement types such as plyometric, power, strength, neuromobilisation, flexibility, stability, mobility, coordination and agility.
Select the target range or muscle contraction type for the exercise you're searching for such as inner, 90 degrees, isometric, or eccentric.
Movement Type
This filter contains movement types such as AROM, PROM, AAROM, as well as broad groupings of exercises based on global patterns of movement such as push, pull, jump, balance, trunk strength, gait, etc.
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