Starting position
- Move so that the tracking circle is in the center of the position circle.
- Face the camera, stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands either on hips or by side (so arms are visible to the camera).
- This test requires a stationary period before the movement commences. Remain still to allow the HumanTrak system to calibrate, following on-screen prompts before commencing the test.
- Shift weight onto the testing limb and lift the non-testing foot in front of the body into a pistol squat position.
The non-squatting leg must stay in front in order for a rep to be detected. To perform a squat with the leg behind, see our Single Leg Squat protocol.
Perform a single leg pistol squat.
- There is no requirement to pause at the bottom of the squat.
- The speed of the rep can be determined by the practitioner (although a steady speed is recommended for best results).
- The depth is determined by the person's ability or when cued to stop by the practitioner (e.g. when form is lost).
- Reps are detected when the person returns to the starting position.
- For a rep to be detected, at least 30 degrees of knee flexion must be achieved.
- Repeat this test for the desired number of repetitions.
- Reps can be performed:
- All on one side, then again on the other.
- Alternating between sides.
- On one side only.
Data will only be collected for the testing side and won't be compared to the other limb.
Repetition Detection
- Reps are automatically detected and displayed in the right side panel during a test.
- If a rep isn't detected, repeat the movement again ensuring proper protocol is followed.
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