Data displayed on tiles and charts in VALD Hub can be customised to suit reporting requirements.
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Display Tiles
Users can select the metrics that are displayed on tiles, along with thresholds.
Display Charts
Users can select the metrics that are displayed on charts, along with thresholds.
Grouping Profiles
Categories and Groups in VALD Hub provide users with the ability to segment profiles to increase filtering and reporting capabilities.
Profiles can be assigned to multiple groups and therefore can be used to group test results.
For example:
A Category called "Rehabilitation Stages" could have the following Groups:
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3 (return to play)
A Category called “Senior Teams” could have the following Groups:
- Division 1
- Division 2
- Division 3
A profile can be assigned to both the Stage 1 group and Division 3 group.
Managing Categories and Groups in VALD Hub
Custom Dashboard with User Permissions
VALD Hub users can be assigned access to specific Categories and Groups.
This feature restricts a user to only access Profile and Test data for the Categories and Groups they have been assigned.
It also enables organisations to provide users with custom Dashboards in VALD Hub.
For example, a user will be able to see from their Dashboard:
- The number of profiles, in their assigned Categories and Groups, who have had their latest test results fall within or outside a set threshold.
- The latest test average for all profiles in their assigned Categories and Groups.
Note: If users have full access to an organisation’s profile and test data (e.g. not assigned to specific Categories and Groups) the users Dashboard will show results for all profiles in their organisation.
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